
Marketing your Passenger App

In this e-book, we take you through the steps on how to successfully market your app and gain more bookings.

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Marketing your Passenger App

Taxi & private hire apps are a great way to automate bookings and provide great customer service for a new generation of tech-savvy passengers. But in order to get people downloading your app - and, more importantly, using it - you'll need to market your Passenger App effectively.

Our Marketing your Passenger App eBook covers:

  • Why you need to market your app
  • How to perfect your Play Store and App Store pages
  • Why ratings and reviews are so important
  • How to measure your app's success
  • How to encourage your customers to use your app, time and time again
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Más viajes para tus conductores y un negocio de transporte privado de pasajeros rentable para tí.
Esto es Autocab

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Cambiar todo tu negocio de taxis y transporte privado a una nueva herramienta puede resultar desalentador

Por eso lo hacemos sin esfuerzo en cada paso del camino
Confía en la mejor incorporación, servicio al cliente y soporte de la industria
Imagina reservas de servicios optimizados constantemente para ayudarte a ganar
Maneja mayores volúmenes de viajes, sin contratar más empleados
Estamos aquí para convertirnos en socios de su crecimiento y éxito
A man sitting in a car looking at a cell phone.